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Re: Worst song???

From: Brett Harris <brh@BoM.GOV.AU>
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 96 09:21:07 EST
Subject: Re: Worst song???

Stephane Jantzen ( wrote:

>... ... but I think "Sat in your Lap" is a good challenger.

Sat in your Lap?????!!!!!   I think if this thread goes on long   
enough sooner or later somebody will say Wuthering Heights!!

I think you need to lock yourself away in a darkened room, lie down
and take Kate's advice and listen to "The Dreaming" at about
120 Decibels - over and over until you are cured :-).

Actually I am also intrigued by problems some people seem to have
with TSW.  Perhaps because it followed HOL it was inevitably
to be always seen in comparison.  IMHO it is one of the "smoother"
Kate albums, quite homogeneous in its sound and quite easy to listen
to. However, TRS seems to me to have a great contrast between the
songs, and although individually the songs are good, I sometimes
have trouble if I am in the mood to hear a certain type of KateSong
that I am thrown from one type to another when listening to TRS
and that can be a little disorientating.  Perhaps this all reflects
what was going on with Kate at the time.
