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Re: Sensual World: new thought on "noise burst"

From: (Bryan Dongray)
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 1995 02:26:22 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: Sensual World: new thought on "noise burst"
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In-Reply-To: <> from "Andrew Gough" at Dec 16, 95 11:13:08 pm

Andrew Gough wrote:
>      I'm speaking about a small sound the occurs between the wedding
> bells and the beginning of the music.  Right in the gap one is a short
> noise that I thought previously was a short burst of noise (like a
> "bssst")--which really annoyed me as a very audible example of poor
> engineering on the album.
>      So now I'm thinking the "swop" is intentional--perhaps as a way
> of signaling the beginning of the music.  Imagine someone swinging a
> sword quickly from vertical to horizontal to indicate "begin".  The
> song then has a new construction:  wedding bells--swop--(transition,
> begin)--music starts.

Whatever the sound is (I see what you mean about swishing sword), it
definately is part of the music. It clearly comes through every 4th
beat on the instrumental version (track 5: aspects of the sensual world)
for quite a while.

Thanks for your thoughts, I always thought it was someone keeping the
volume up while the tape deck started, after the church bells.
It sounds so similar, much like a record deck speed up when a cued
record is a little too close to the start (I was a university DJ
and engineer 80-83, heard it so many times - other DJs of course).

Odd you say "wedding bells", I used to hear the peel of these sort
of beel every Sunday morning, I lived in Kent until I was 16, thinking
about where Kate grew up, she should have done too.

			Bryan Dongray