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A friend is gone.

Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 12:20:42 -0700
Subject: A friend is gone.
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It is with sorrow that I announce that Rand Worrell,
who did some very nice animation for us for 
Total Tape Integration, died of AIDS on Tuesday,
October 17th.  

Our tape was his last animation project.  Rand was one
of the top animators working on the Mac platform, and he
pioneered complex and exacting animations of organic life

He has worked on several movies and his work is featured
by both Electric Image Animation Systems and FormZ 3-D 
modeling systems as examples of the best that can be
done with their systems.  He was recently featured in
Computer Graphics World, and has been published in
computer magazines frequently.  At the time he first
became ill he was entertaining offers from BOTH Disney
and Industrial Light and Magic -- not a small accomplishment!

During his last months of illness he got much 
enjoyment from seeing TLTCTC (moments of pleasure 
was his favourite) and the finished Total Tape 
Integration project.

Rand and I have been close for 20 years, and my life will
be very different without him.

Thanks to those Love Hounds who have been so supportive. 
I have really appreciated your affection.

Karen  "I think about us lying, lying on a beach somewhere"