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Re: "Kate ever said anything about Tori?"

From: jws5@Lehigh.EDU
Date: 3 Oct 1995 10:35:01 -0400
Subject: Re: "Kate ever said anything about Tori?"

"" wrote:


>>If you
>>examine closely the structure of the changes in the piano parts,  you see
>>some direct plagerism.  Listen to song's like "Keeping me Waiting"' and
>>"Davy" and you find the very basis for Toris style entirely.

You can't be serious.  If you are referring to the fact that Tori Amos uses
the I-mIII-IV chord pattern very frequently, and Kate Bush was using that very
same chord pattern even earlier on, so what?  Similar chord changes do NOT
make for plagerism (how *do* you spell that word?).  That's like saying that
any fifties song using the I-VI-IV-V pattern was ripping off the ending of
Handel's "Messiah".

Look, I'm one of those people who (gasp) thinks that both Tori and Kate are
original, and talented, and amazing, and aren't all that much alike.  This
whole Tori vs. Kate thing is utterly ridiculous. (Norman Buchwald) writes:

>P.S.:  Tori's not that young.  At least in her late twenties, I believe.

Early thirties, actually.

justin sol       |   favorite camp memory: when all of the kids at camp  |    thought i was the riddler but then honey the owl
fauna canzona    |   captured him while i was there doing crowd control