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New Yorker cartoonist swears by "orgone energy"

Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 20:51:39 -0400
Subject: New Yorker cartoonist swears by "orgone energy"

Hello fellow Love-Hounds:

No, this *isn't* a spam; it's a rare mention of Wilhelm Reich, at least in the
 mainstream press.  The current issue of Newsweek (15th May 1995) has a
profile of octogenarian artist William Steig.  In addition to illustrating
many a cover of the fabled weekly mentioned in the subject line, Steig has tak
en his offbeat talents to a series of award-winning children's books.  His
latest volume is entitled _Grown-Ups Get to Do All the Driving_, published by

Anyway, on to the relevant content:


"...And every day, this disciple of the radical psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich
still climbs into his "orgone energy accumulator," a metal-lined wooden
cabinet designed by Reich to capture "orgone energy," a natural atmospheric
force that, according to Reich, can treat ailments ranging from cancer to
impotence.  A Reich disciple since the '40s, Steig has lately acquired an
orgone blanket, and soon, he reports happily, "I hope to get an orgone vest."

"About Reich, Steig never kids around."


He may even live to enjoy that orgone vest.  The article states that Steig
suffers from emphysema and is going deaf.  So much for the power of orgone
energy--says the skeptic.

Take care,

Chris Beckwith
American Kate Bush Society
Publisher, "Letters from Orgonon"

Now eagerly trading Kate Bush print and radio interviews and shows--
e-mail me privately for details.