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From: (The Silver-Flag Boy)
Date: 14 Feb 1995 10:46:28 GMT
Subject: Re: New Idea
References: <950208.083035.EST.KAL93003@UConnVM.UConn.Edu>
Kate (KAL93003@UConnVM.UConn.Edu) wrote: : Gee, isn't nice that all these big strong guys (I tried, really tried, to : write "men" but I was laughing too hard) can tell us how we women should : see ourselves and feminism ("I know feminists, I've talked to feminists, : and YOU BITCH are NO feminist!") -- but frankly I don't care. : Let's talk about Kate -- and because everyone seems to lack ideas (except : for WHAT'S FOR SALE), let me dare to suggest a topic. Suppose you had the : chance to write a film for Kate, a link of five songs as TLTCTC has been : suggested to be. What five songs would you choose? How would you link them, : i.e. story line? Any one with a little positive energy out there? : Kate, The Feminist (aka Bitch and proud of it) Then why don't you shut up about it as well. Both sides are as bad as each other in pushing this silly debate which has no place on this newsgroup. Oh and I find the B-word horrible which is why I never use it. stuff gender politics. Alex -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CGCE, 108 Holly Cross, Keele, Staffordshire, ST5 5JB Children of England, why do you run for your lives, When you need someone I'm gonna show? Sandra ------------------------------------------------------------------------------