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First Kate Song

From: (Lynne Atwill)
Date: Thu, 24 Nov 94 08:38:03 EDT
Subject: First Kate Song

 L>What was the first song of hers that you heard, that caused you to
 > get interested in her music?

I don't really remember what year it was (77/78?) when Lionheart caught my
attention with an incredible new sound and style. It was Babooshka,
however, that flung me at the foot of The Altar of Kate. Several years
later, after a nasty marriage and an even nastier divorce, I visited a new
boyfriend's house for the first time.  At the time it seemed incredible to
me that he had put Babooshka on the turntable just before I walked in the
door, but today I realize it was probably just Fate. Of course you know the
end to this story - marriage, child, house in the suburbs and an
incredible, continually growing vinyl/cd collection.
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