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Anger is an energy

From: steve.b@TQS.COM (Steve Berlin)
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 94 17:29:54 PDT
Subject: Anger is an energy
To: (Peter Chow <>)

wrote a very intelligent argument why he didn't like Tori (unlike
most arguments against her I've heard, all which are along the lines
of "She sucks.  Huh.  Huh-huh-huh.")

His main complaint is her "anger and hatred".  Hey, that's why I *LIKE*
both Tori and (ta-da!  Getting back on subject) Kate.

Get Out of My House, Waking the Witch - two of the angriest songs ever
made (not counting Dead Kennedies-type hardcore, which I also like).

The Wedding List, James and The Cold Gun - both very, very angry.  Also,
there's subtle anger in Army Dreamers, Breathing, Running Up That Hill,
and just about EVERY song on The Dreaming.  There are a dozen or so more
I could list.

Take the Tori song The Waitress - probably the angriest song she's ever
done.  It's about a waitress who wants to kill a fellow waitress.  Angry,
hateful stuff, right?  That's the POINT!  Who of us never wanted to brain
a co-worker with a lead pipe?  (Especially one of mine- "Steve!  It says
hit any key to continue!  Where's the "Any" key?")

I love Kate's (and Tori's) non-angry stuff, too.  But after a lousey day
at work, I *DON'T* want to listen to "Symphony in Blue".  No, I want to
crank up the stereo to 11 and blast "Get Out Of My House".

- Stev0 Biafra

"Oh, you earthlings!  You make me so ANGRY!" - Marvin the Martian