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From: Marcel Rijs <100276.2176@CompuServe.COM>
Date: 05 May 94 15:44:56 EDT
Subject: KaTeCon & something else
To: <love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET>
Hi, First of all, let me congratulate those of you who will be visiting the KaTeCon this weekend, and wish you a great time. Wish I could be there, but since I can't please make sure you'll write great reports of it in the time afterwards! I will bury myself in sadness for the fact I can't be there. Something else which saddens me is the fact that CIS is getting rich with the latest slander campaigns of Chris, Jorn and Vickie. I have to recieve these messages and even read them , but every 1000 or so characters make CIS 20 dollarcents richer and me poorer. So I would like to see this situation stopped. As for Jorn, he didn't even answer me when I publicly distanced myself from being subjective in this matter and offered him to mediate in the major quarrel during november last year, being a love-hound newbie and all. I guess it means that he doesn't want this to be solved and wants to continue this fight publicly. I say we all stop reacting to his insinuations, whereas constructive KaTe-related messages (I understand he was quite an informative guy back in the peaceful days) will be very much appreciated. I say this last thing with Very Much Emphasis, as we're not "totalitarian" as Jorn seems to need to think, but we _would_ like to talk about Kate here. As for Chris and Vickie, they hand Jorn enough ammunition to keep the whole thing going, even if they're advertising a reaction to be gotten via e-mail. In Jorns frame of mind it will still be a public thing and he will continue to seek publicly because he is just as much a sociopath as he publicly suggested Chris was. (Or so I seem to remember from all the posts I had to go through with <ALT><F4> and <DEL> in my WordPerfect 5.1 wordprocessor program.) With all this quarreling I still don't have the answer to previous questions like what's being said on the Shoedance remix by those two voices. And why the 'Eat the music'"Extended mix" on the new European CDsingle (out now also in Holland) is shorter. Answers, please, as soon as humanly possible on or love-hounds. ................................................................. Marcel F G Rijs CIS: 100276,2176 Den Haag Internet: Netherlands a71599mr@hasara11.bitnet .................................................................