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Toor-ee-ah Toor-ee-oh

From: WretchAwry <>
Date: Wed, 4 May 94 18:21:58 EDT
Subject: Toor-ee-ah Toor-ee-oh
To: kate.;
Loves: Kate Bush..Happy Rhodes..Jane Siberry..Tori Amos..Peter Gabriel..

...that's what I say

I want to thank Peter, Krys and Dave in advance for organizing the
KonvenTion. They and their friends put a lot of love, sweat and
effort into the whole thing and it's going to be great! We'll see
some of you Sunday, some of you Saturday in Cambridge and we hope
to see some of you on Friday night at the UIC Cinema in Lee Valley,
where TLTCTC will be playing (we still need to get more details on
that) along with some of Kate's videos. Mark Semich, Chris and I
should be there, and hopefully Doug Alan and his girlfriend will make
it too. Look for the short "roseanne-ish" woman with long dark hair (with
silver streaks in front, parted in the middle) and glasses, and the
tall man with very long (longer than mine!) brown hair and glasses.
(or you can listen for the group with American accents) :)

We're coming to England armed with Kool-Aid, Captain Crunch (er, maybe) and
lots of Happy samplers :-). I wish I could bring my cats (Kate would
love our cats, they're so cool) but alas, we'll have to leave them 
behind for the housesitters to take care of. We'll find some English
treats to bring back to them. 

We're looking forward to visiting the Land of Eng again!


"It's terribly vague what's gone before...
 ...all the colors look brighter now..."   KTB