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Date: 04 Feb 94 16:16:40 EST
Subject: Cathy
To: Love-Hounds@uunet.UU.NET

re: Cathy being signed at tower
Doug - I was refering to the book Cathy (which is supposedly very rare). 
A friend of mine got it before it was even released by writing to the 
publisher in England while he was in grad school over there. I guess 
the story is that the book was canceled before release - anyone know 
if this is correct. All I know is that it is impossible to find - although 
the .gif pictures I got from are very nice. 
I can see why Kate would be upset about bootlegs. In fact, I don
don't know why someone would want her to sign one. I'm sure most big 
Kate fans have better things for her to sign. I wonder how she reacted 
to my friends gift - a bootleg copy of Prince's "Crucial."