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From: (Greg O'Rear)
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1993 17:00:16 -0500
Subject: Re: RhodeSongs
Organization: U of Florida
References: <>
Reply-To: (Greg O'Rear)
"Bradley N. Hutchinson" <> writes, in part: >Just a quick note on getting RhodeSongs in the mail today. >Does she do all the vocals? Which would be a good next CD? Great compilation album. The closest things to RhodeSongs are Rhodes I and II. And yes, Happy does both the really low, and the really suspiciously Kate-like highs. My personal theory is that Happy has a time machine, and goes back to visit Kate circa Never For Ever and gets her to record the higher vocals. One of my worries is that Happy's highs are *so* Kate-like that she could be dismissed as a Kate sound-alike or wanna-be (not a bad thing in itself, but to some, a strike against originality (Not me! I have them all! No flames!)).