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Re: Love-Hounds Digest #9.310

From: Johan <ST003648@brownvm.brown.EDU>
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 93 23:28:14 EST
Subject: Re: Love-Hounds Digest #9.310

Dear Mr Rijs
I don't mind you disliking Bjork, that's completely up to you, but
mixing her name into it is rather pathetic. You obviously don't know
what it means nor how it's pronounced. For your information a bjork,
actually with two dots above the "o", is a birch tree, the "o",
furthermore is pronounced as the "o" in "world. It's a fairly common name in
Scandinavia. Now, I fully understand that this knowledge might not keep
you from disliking the name, but it might help you to realize that your
comments on Bjork smells not only of provincialism, but of a small and
scantily informed mind in general.

               Yours, Johan