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Re: Bjork :-(

From: Jon Drukman <>
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 93 10:06:31 PST
Subject: Re: Bjork :-(
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET

100276.2176@CompuServe.COM (Marcel Rijs) writes:
>I think Bjork (a name, BTW which reminds me of pigs, which is very
>appropriate given her aforementioned exterior) is one of the most
>untalented, overrated, ugly and blood-before-eyes-generating
>"artists" around today, and I wouldn't mind her losing her voice
>permanently as of today. (I would have typed "shot dead", but I'm
>a pascifist :-) )

i think bjork is beautiful, her voice is beautiful and her music is
heavenly.  "debut" certainly runs rings around "the red shoes" or
"sarah maclachlan" or "jane siberry" (and i like all three of those).

now go away.

Jon Drukman                               
This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence.