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Re: misc kate murmurings

From: (chris williams)
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 93 21:09 CDT
Subject: Re: misc kate murmurings
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET
In-Reply-To: <>
Organization: FCIA Univ. of Chicago

In article <> Uli writes:
>> I think the real question should be what happened to the FAQ posting
>> and is someone still maintaining the archives?  That's becoming a FAQ!
>Hi Ron, Bill, are you listening?
>The problem with the FAQ is that it certainly needs some heavy editing,
>now with TRS being out and noone asking (yet) when will the next album
>appear. The other problem is the silence of Ron Hill. I would volunteer
>posting the FAQ once a month, but I don't want to take this away from
>Ron without him saying 'ok' to this.

   We haven't heard from Ron Hill in quite a while. He had a lot to deal
with for a while, and I'm not sure when he last read
The originator of the FAQ was Jorn Barger, and he has had nothing to 
do with since his meltdown. So I'd say that Uli is
quite welcome to post an updated version of the FAQ.

>The problems with the archives is that Bill does seem to have only little
>time to keep up with work on No insult at all, everyone
>can have duties that keep him from such voluntary work. Now letting
>gaffa/love-hounds reside on is a very good idea, being
>that well connected as it is, but it really would be nice to have
>up-to-date archives. Maybe the process of putting the 100-message-files
>onto the ftp archive should be automated? Maybe the archives should move
>to, that's the place where almost all other music related
>stuff is residing and where most of already is (thanks to
>Chris I think).

   Actually Dave Datta is responsible for the contents, the very
existence of the archive. BTW, Dave called, and I mentioned
Uli's transcription of the lyrics, and he will be adding it to the lyric
archive shortly. In the "Usenet insane fanatic" department, I'm afraid
that we've fallen woefully behind the Rush fans. *They* posted the
entire lyrics of the new Rush album two months before it's release.
Hell, somebody tried to upload a soundfile of the *entire* album!

                          Chris Williams of
                             Chris'n'Vickie of Chicago