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From: Markku Kolkka <mk59200@cs.tut.FI>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1993 14:05:35 GMT
Subject: MoP (yes, indeed!)
Organization: Tampere University of Technology
Sender: #Kotilo NEWS system <usenet@peippo.cs.tut.FI>
I (finally) downloaded the Moments of Pleasure recording and listened through it. Then I listened it again. And yet another time. In short, the _sound_ quality through the Sun IPC:s speaker or even with headphones is atrocious (maybe somebody with the videotape and an Amiga with a sampler could make a better recoding?), but the _song_ is WONDERFUL! The repeated listenings are really necessary to get "through" the telephone-quality sound. -- Markku Kolkka