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Re: help w/H. Rhodes

From: (Vickie Mapes)
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 93 02:05:55 EDT
Subject: Re: help w/H. Rhodes
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET
References: <9306092050.aa23436@APG-9.APG-9.APG.ARMY.MIL>

kstauff@APG-9.APG.ARMY.MIL (Kimberly Stauffer AMSTE-LGS 4900) writes:

>Jill writes:
>>I want some advice concerning Happy Rhodes.....My question: which one
>>would be the best to "introduce" me to her music?.....


Well, what she could do is get Rhodes I *and* Equipoise, and if she
likes both of them, she will almost certainly (99.9% probability)
like all the other ones too. It's true though, that RI and EQP
are *very* different from each other, but the progression is there
in the middle 4. (And if she doesn't like either one of them, I can
guarantee that she'll find someone who does, so she won't be stuck
with them. I have dozens of Ectophiles who will back me up on that :-))

Kim, Equipoise is quite a bit different from Warpaint, which is what
you have (right?) and Happy uses her high voice *much* more on Equipoise
than she did on Warpaint. It's also more...ummm..."lush" than Warpaint,
which can seem pretty stark at times. 

Hey, I'm totally non-objective anyway, because I dearly *love* all her
albums. (Ecto is my favorite though.)

As far as Happy's high voice sounding like Kate's, it's *not* a "rip off"
(just to head off any possible flames) but just how her vocal cords are.
She *did* learn how to sing by singing along to Kate records, mainly TKI,
but, except for a couple of songs on her early albums, she doesn't *try*
to sound "just like Kate" -- it just happens that way. After the initial
shock of recognition, her high voice will begin to sound "just like Happy."
(And besides, her low and middle range don't sound *anything* like Kate.)

In essence, Happy is Happy and Kate is Kate, and Happy is *not* trying to
be Kate. She's very much her own artist and shouldn't be compared. (not
that you were...)


Vickie                "Fight for your right     "My ears are lucky to hear   to have a monster" TA     these glorious songs" HR
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