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Don't Give Up

From: (Stephen Golden)
Date: 27 Apr 93 21:36:19 GMT
Subject: Don't Give Up
Organization: University of Pennsylvania
References: <>

I was just watching a late '80s British tv show called The Two of Us
about a bisexual male who runs away with his boyfriend, but eventually
returns home with his girlfriend.  During a scene at the Disco, the music
playing is Don't Give Up.  They start it at a point with heavy Kate vocals.

Anyway, I was wondering, has Peter or Kate ever specified if this song is
about something specific ( maybe a specific incident or cause ).  I had 
personally never thought to connect it with sexuality, but I guess its
universal enough to stand for any situation where someone is going
to give up.

 This .sig is currently under reconstruction as it has been misinterpreted 
                 and read too deeply by too many people.
-- Stephen Golden