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Re: Life's Too Short etc - Reply

From: Scott Telford <>
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1993 12:52:47 GMT
Subject: Re: Life's Too Short etc - Reply
Organization: Edinburgh University Home for Deranged Kate Bush Fans.
References: <>
Sender: UseNet News Admin <>

In article <>, (P D Fitzgerald-Morris)

> The reason for my post was very simply that in KBfandom, generally, 
> in my experience, people are quite nice to each other, and protective 
> of Kate too. Quaint, isn't it?

Yes, I've noticed that too, at least among British KBC/Homeground-
subscribing hardcore KaTefan types. It may seem silly to cynical
flame-war hardened Americans, but there seems to be a sense of
community, of cameraderie, of closeness, of....(damn, can't find a
thesaurus 8-) among us. Seems like very positive thing to me. I think
of it as a kind of escapism from real life into a warmer, fuzzier
world of KaTefandom. Hey, this is starting to sound like a plug for

> I can appreciate the fact that Jon Drukman (hello Jon - getting
> a swipe from you must mean I've now passed my Gaffa initiation)
> does not like the style of some of the artwork in HOMEGROUND, and 

Well, I, for one, think Paulina is a bloody good artist, and can
certainly capture KaTe's face, which is a neat trick if you can do it.
Style is of course, a matter of taste, but I don't really think the
grunge look would be quite appropriate...

> met with her to discuss conventions etc. I don't think we labour under 
> any delusions as to her personal divinity. Kate certainly doesn't. 

Awww, you mean there is no God after all? 8-)

> Incidentally, did you find that series of HOMEGROUND articles 
> interesting? Krys laboured long and hard on them and would appreciate 
> any comment and follow up.

Er, yes, Part one (there's only been the one so far, hasn't there?) of
Krys's magnum opus on life, the universe and sex was interesting, but
I wonder if Homeground is *quite* the right place for it. I keep
thinking one day somebody's going to object to the nature of much of
Krys's material and we'll find a "Kate Bush Fans in Porn Scandal" type
headline in a tabloid. I mean, how old is the youngest subscriber?
What if a particularly narrow-minded parent blew the whistle?

Scott Telford,                            / "Can I assume you're pissed out of
Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre,      /  your head on 'Big Sky', on the new
University of Edinburgh, UK.              /  album?" - Peter Swales,
<> - (+44 31 650 5978)  /  interviewing Kate Bush, 1985.