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Re: Life's Too Short etc - Reply

From: jondr@sco.COM
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 93 17:00:25 PDT
Subject: Re: Life's Too Short etc - Reply
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET
References: <>
Sender: jondr@sco.COM

the estimably double barrled peter fitzgerald-morris writes:

>I can appreciate the fact that Jon Drukman (hello Jon - getting
>a swipe from you must mean I've now passed my Gaffa initiation)

that wasn't a swipe.

>does not like the style of some of the artwork in HOMEGROUND, and 
>thinks that it's too airy-fairy (well, some of it anyway), but 
>actually he's wrong  in drawing the conclusion that we see Kate in 
>that way ie. as some kind of fairy princess. We have actually been on 
>the set of a couple of Kate's videos, and seen her at work, and have 
>met with her to discuss conventions etc. I don't think we labour under 
>any delusions as to her personal divinity. Kate certainly doesn't. 

well that's all very well and good but you have distinguish between
"we" as in "peter & homeground workers" and "we" as in "homeground
editorial voice/projected image."  somebody picking up a copy of
homeground coming in cold, so to speak, would see nothing in the way
of disclaimer under the fairy art saying "this art is only
representative of the opinions of a few people with lots of time on
their hands."  i mean, when i first bought my first HG lo those many
years ago i didn't know who you were.  and it shouldn't matter, should
it?  the magazine projects an image, and for better or worse, you've
chosen one that i find personally distasteful.

then again, i think that the cover of my 12" (had to find a way to
sneak that in, didn't I?) sucks.  but we've had a lot of comments that
it "stands out"... so i guess it's doing its job, much as i find it
personally distasteful.  sigh.

Jon Drukman (an emulsifier)                             
Things are more like they are now than they ever were before.