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Re: Magic 104 the empathic channel

From: jondr@sco.COM
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 93 12:39:08 PST
Subject: Re: Magic 104 the empathic channel
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET
References: <> <> <>
Sender: jondr@sco.COM

jorn barger explicates:
>what I want is to *win general agreement* that *what we feel in our
>hearts* as kind and good and healthful and responsible is *real* and
>*counts*, as a general rule, and to go beyond the sort of
>Asimov-Drukman-Trump scornful-materialism that argues, more-or-less,
>"My bad vibes are unassailable because science disproves vibes."

i resent this.  you think that i don't believe in vibes.  you are
wrong.  i just happen to think that /your/ model is about as useful as
an underwater alka-seltzer factory.

>MY experience, though, is that under the ideal conditions of a soft
>medium that you imprint on repeatedly in a time of intense emotion,
>abandoned for a longish period, and then returned to after the
>emotion has faded, you may well expect stronger sentiments from
>hearing that particular tape than a similar copy, and a hard medium
>like CDs doesn't allow this effect.

MY experience, though, is that you are a complete and raving LOON.

This whole "hard/soft" thing is so utterly ludicrous and infuriatingly
devoid of even the tiniest smidgen of common sense that it makes me
want to take an AK-47 and deliver some ruff justice, drukman-style, to
the entire state of illinois.

CDs are written.  Tapes are written.  It just so happens that we have
the technology to rewrite the information on tapes with relative ease.
What does your model have to say about MiniDisc?  that's a
magneto-optical digital format that can be rewritten at will.  what
about DAT?  it's just like normal compact cassette except it writes
digital information.  can they store The Vibe?  we need specs, jorn!!
i want to go out and see this following on the back page of my new DAT
tape deck's manual: "16 bit PCM encoding SP/DIF in-out, frequency
response: 20Hz-20KHz audio, 15 nano-jorns of vibe at 44KHz sampling
rate, 10 nano-jorns at 32KHz."

what happens if I send out a "negatively charged" DAT to the mastering
facility and get cassettes *and* CDs made from it?  do the cassettes
have my "vibe-aura imprint" while the CDs do NOT?  should i be
advertising this as a FEATURE?  "do not play this tape if your
emotional state is fragile cos i recorded it while breaking up with my
girlfriend of 2 years and it has the unintended side effect of
reducing complete strangers to piles of blubbering mush.  purchase the
CD version of this album to avoid this phenomenon."  this could be a
VERY POTENT MARKETING TOOL if the deep pockets ever find out about it.
i think we need LEGISLATION and we need it SOON.

and what about vinyl?  is that a hard or soft medium?  the needle that
reads the record also has the unfortunate side effect of gouging out
some of the high frequencies with each play.  but does it ADD PSYCHIC
VIBES to the vinyl in the process, or is a subtractive-only thing?
those ticks and pops you get on oft-played records might be LINGERING
NOOTROPIC DISTURBANCES...  what if I treat my records with "Last"
preservative solution, which puts a protective chemical coat over the
groove - does this AFFECT THE PSYCHO-RECORDING in any way?

to sum up all these question in a simpler, more compact form: do you
have even a micro-clue as to what you are talking about?  (a
nano-clue?  a PICO-CLUE?)

Jon Drukman (an emulsifier)                             
Things are more like they are now than they ever were before.