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From: Ulrich Grepel <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 93 13:03:26 MET
Subject: astrology
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET

To Loren (and all others):

sorry if I am a little bit late on this topic, but if you really
want to know when Kate is born, try the following:

Make 24 (or as many as you like) charts for July 30, 1958, Bexleyheath
Maternity Hospital, South East London, post them, then we vote which
one fits best and so that one has to be the right one...

As you might guess I am not believing in astrology. I think there's
no way to forecast anyone's live in any way out of his birth
date/time/place. You would have to use an infinite amount of digits
to represent the exact spot in the universe. If you would be able
to do that astrology might be ok. But you aren't: As every beginner
in meteorology can tell you, even having 20 or 200 digits is not
enough to forecast the weather for let's say one year. Remember
the butterfly in the Amazonas jungle causing a hurricane over Florida.

I remember reading an article somewhere about precision of pocket
calculators: Take one formula, feed it iteratively, and look at
the results. A pocket calculator with 10 digits presents one
result, one with 15 presents something completely different. Is the
latter one better? No, not a single digit. Unless you take ALL
digits through that calculation, nothing is 'better' than anything

Back to astrology: Even if you had ALL digits for ALL particles in
ALL of the universe (where to store them?), there's always
Heisenberg to cope with...

Enough fuel,


P.S.: I don't have problems with you if you believe in astrology. You have.
P.P.S.: I don't smoke and I eat animals...