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Sheet Music Rip-Off

Date: Mon, 9 Nov 92 09:26:43 -0800
Subject: Sheet Music Rip-Off
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET

I just bought the sheet music book for THe Sensual World at a clearance
sale, and, boy, am I glad I didn't pay full price for it ($30.00 CDN). The
transcriptions of the songs consist of the melody line and guitar chords.
No bass, no orchestration, only the barest of "other stuff" (e.g. the line
that runs under the spoken opening of The Fog).

I could sit down for a few hours and probably work out a reasonable
approximation of this music myself - at least as much is what is passed off
as the "sheet music" in this book. This is a rip-off. I would much sooner
see production money spent on a *full* transcription. particularly for
songs this intricate and detailed, rather than on glossy photos and

Not a happy camper
Fiona McQuarrie