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From: Carter Bennett <>
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 92 22:10 CST
To: love-hounds@uunet.UU.NET

Path: carter
>From: (Carter Bennett)
Subject: Re: Tao thanks
Summary: Me, too.
Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1992 04:09:58 GMT
References: <>
Organization: CompuTrac Inc., Richardson TX

In article <> (ronald hill) writes:
>        In the face of the inevitable critism that will desend on Pete 
>for the massive posting, I'd like to thank him for it.  I like having 
>(and making!) "books on disk" and this will be good to add to my 

Agreed.  BTW, the original book has TONS of translations, no two of which
seem to agree.  Best way to study it is with _several_ translations.  So,
I am particularly glad to see another person's "composite" of several
translations.  I have five, and this composite will make an interesting
"reality check."

Sure, there will be a few stern messages to Pete, I imagine.  But at least
two of us appreciated the data-stream! :-)


Carter R. Bennett, Jr. - Scientist | "Oh my God!  I _AM_ a nerd!!!" - home  | - C. Bennett, Sept 25, 1992, after - work  | realizing he had been talking about
KI5SR          | market availability of "preconfigured" Toll-House cookies.