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The 10th anniversary of ....

From: Scott Telford <>
Date: 6 Sep 92 12:27:12 GMT
Subject: The 10th anniversary of ....
Distribution: world
Organization: Edinburgh University Home for Deranged Kate Bush Fans.

Just to remind everybody, the 13th of this month will be the 10th
anniversary of the release in the UK of the most astonishing album
ever recorded in the history of creation (8^), the One that was Made
to be Played Loud, yes, none other than The Dreaming. Get them CDs
out, crank the amp up to 11 and marvel at the wonders of early digital
mixing! (and wish she had stuck with it afterwards 8^)

PS. Re KaTe-tattoos: I definitely read in a newspaper a while back
that it was Slash, not Axl, who had the tattoo of KaTe. I think it
also said Slash was (ex-)British, which would make sense (I'm no G'n'R
fan, so I may be wrong here).

Scott Telford, Dept of Computer Science, / "Can I assume you're pissed out of
University of Edinburgh, Mayfield Rd,    /  your head on 'Big Sky', on the new
Edinburgh, EH9 3JZ, UK.                  /  album?" - Peter Swales,
electric mail:        /  interviewing Kate Bush, 1985.