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Whither WarmRoom...

Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1992 07:53:58 -0700
Subject: Whither WarmRoom...

WarmRoom exists, but I'm about four months behind on installing new
subscribers, and I've been elsewhere, creatively, so it's been languishing.

Although the subscription list is way over 100, I've got some doubts about
whether it really serves enough of a separate role for most people to
continue the bother.

Ron's DU project will soon offer detailed annotations of each song,
compiling *every* insight from the r.m.g. archives.  Maybe as these are
posted, WarmRoom can revive its original intent to do some deep personal
sharing about each song...?

A personal heresy, hot off the boards: Shu Shubat is God!!!!

Jorn Barger, Northwestern U., Chicago, Midwest, USA
   "And crazyheaded Jorn, the bulweh born?"   _Finnegans Wake_ 513.07
     (Ask me about the electronic Finnegans Wake reading project!)