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Back, if onlY for a fleEting visit

Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1992 23:34:00 -0800
Subject: Back, if onlY for a fleEting visit

 To: Love-Hounds
 From: Andrew Marvick (IED)
 Subject: Back, if onlY for a fleEting visit

   IED misses you all very much, and wishes he could again be a
regular participant in his beloved Love-Hounds.  Perhaps some
day soon.  Meanwhile, he would like to thank the stalwart veterans
of the group for not forgetting him entirely despite his long
absence, and for keeping the spirit of the old L-Hs alive.
   A question for Kate to be added to the list of Love-Hounds'
questions (is someone going to compile these?):

       What is the secret spoken message in "Experiment IV",
between the lines "It could sing you to sleep" and "But that
dream is your enemy"?  And please, no enigmatic answers--fans
have been frustrated long enough--have mercy.

   IED hopes there will be a party for Kate Bush fans in the
Bay area next Katemas.  Anyone care to take over the duties
of host from Larry this summer?

   There is definitely a Kate Bush recording of "Brazil".  It
was recorded after the movie was released, and was never part
of the movie, according to IED's dubious grapevine.

   IED would like to commend Ron on all the amazing Kate Bushological
work he's been doing for the past year-plus.  As for his latest idea
(soliciting information/opinions about the songs that Kate has
never explained herself)--a great one.  Needless to say, any list
of Love-Hounds' questions to Kate would have to include requests
for comments about each of those songs.  As for instance, of
"In Search of Peter Pan":  1.) What inspired the song, specifically?
2.) Is there a basis in fact for the story in the song, or is it
your own invention entirely? 3.) Who is Dennis?  etc.

   Much love and encouragement to you all--keep it going!  IED misses
this group so much, he feels about as lonely and isolated (Katewise,
that is) as the character in "Deeper Understanding"--particularly in
those little breathing spaces where you hear the birds chirping--very

-- Andrew Marvick (IED)
   chirp! chirp!