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kate bush, my dreams, plastic forks ...

From: viewpnt!echelon!henrik@uunet.UU.NET (Larry DeLuca)
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1991 15:01:26 -0800
Subject: kate bush, my dreams, plastic forks ...

Well, I have dreams with all sorts of people in them every so often (in one
dream a bunch of us met up with Laurie Anderson behind the Media Lab (at MIT)
to go skinny-dipping at Walden Pond in someone's yellow VW bug).

Anyway, my most recent dream about Kate Bush happened last night.  

We were out at her studio (someone who left the room, Elton John, Kate Bush,
and I).

Me:  So, it must be very interesting for you to come back after all this
	time to these songs written so long ago.

EJ:  Yeah, it's really strange - I just look back and see things I might
	have changed or not, the ways I've changed as a songwriter -
	it feels really strange.

Me:  I know what you mean.

KB:  Well, all of art is like that.  I mean, I'm always trying to be better.

EJ:  I'm just trying to be the best all the time.

KB:  Well, for me it's more the work being the best -

EJ:  Yeah, after you're already the best.

KB:  (Blushes, giggles, turns away)  Well, yes...

(EJ and KB leave the room - I follow - they don't seem to mind.  We go into
a room where she's got a video editing suite, and we're looking at an
animated Christmas cartoon for her next video.

KB and EJ talk about the video for a while, and she demos the equipment a
bit, and then the dream changed.


PS: By the way, she looked *lovely*, and not old at all.  EJ was wearing
all black with sunglasses with black lenses and red frams.  KB was wearing
dark brown pants and a corduroy (sp?) sports jacket and black turtleneck.
She had lots and lots of hair, and was wearing some barrettes in it, but 
basically down long.

We were in the stairwell between the control room and the studio itself (which
was carpeted in red).  The other room with the editing suite was unmemorable,
except for the Steinway, the large video monitor, and a second monitor I
mistook for a Fairlight II at first glance, but realized later was some other
piece of hardware I couldn't identify).