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Dreams about Kate

From: (Stephen "Jokey" Golden)
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 1991 10:37:09 -0800
Subject: Dreams about Kate
Distribution: usa
Organization: University of Pennsylvania

Last night I had a dream about Kate.  When I was younger, I used to compete
in ice skating competitions.  In my dream, I had started ice skating again,
and asked Kate if she would ice skate with me in one of her video's.
She agreed, and let me direct the video.  She wasn't very good, but I was a
good teacher.  After practice one day, I was telling her about gaffa.  She
said she knew about it, but was unsure of the vastness of it's audience.
I then called a friend at school, had them log on to my account, and pick out
a name of someone in England who had posted something recently.  Kate and I
then popped in on then person and paid them an unexpected visit.  Kate got
a chance to read the newsgroup just like I do every day.  Then my dream 

Can anyone interpret this?  Anyone else have Katedreams to share?

"I'm not the man they think I am at home...I'm a rocketman"
                           -- Kate Bush (or Elton John)
-- Stephen Golden		      	Anyone have change for a dollar?