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the new Enya

From: viewpnt!echelon!henrik@uunet.UU.NET (Larry DeLuca)
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 1991 09:08:12 -0800
Subject: the new Enya

I'm listening to it now.  It's a real yawner.  _Watermark_ had some
real symphonic notions to tie it all together (repeated themes, and
such).  This one seems to be just one bland synthesizer backdrop after
another (with a couple of interesting percussion parts to save it and
keep the user from dozing off altogether).

Maybe part of the problem is that I can't understand most of the lyrics?

Maybe part of the problem is it's just _Watermark_ over again...

I also thought the picture on the box was pretty poor - most people don't
look good in blue, and she's no exception.  Besides, the nicer features of
her face seem obscured, and the whole appearance is one of vague formlessness
with a half-hearted assurance that "She's in there, somewhere".

Kind of like the whole album.
