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From: tessi!john@nosun.West.Sun.COM (John Zimmer)
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1991 13:06:14 -0800
Subject: KaTe-Spinoffs

Meredith writes:                           (Hi, Meredith!)

>How about a list of KaTe-Spinoffs?  By this I mean uses of her music in 
>everyday life, covers ...

First, I assume everyone here knows about Natalie Cole covering "Man with a Child..." on Arsenio earlier this year, saying nice things about Kate while he was going, "Kate who?"  I wasn't online at the time.

Also, a year or two ago I walked into a supermarket where after a minute or so I realized the Muzak playing overhead was an "elevatorized" WH!  Made my skin crawl...  :)

John Zimmer               !nosun!tessi!john

"I think I'll take this opportunity to remove my ears." -- Jean-Luc Picard