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From: "Phong Co" <chryses%xurilka.UUCP@Larry.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1991 15:42:33 -0700
Subject: The Joy of TSW
To: "Love-Hounds" <>
Organization: dada Indugu Inc.
Reply-To: "Phong Co" <chryses%xurilka.UUCP@Larry.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
Meredith Tarr writes: [my opinion of TSW deleted] => Isn't it funny how the same people who were having orgasms over TSW => when it first came out are grumbling about it now? Maybe it's time => for a new album! :) => For what it's worth, this is the first time I've ever mentioned TSW on Love-Hounds. I agree with Meredith, though, that the reviews of TSW when it first came out seemed somewhat overenthusiastic. In my opinion (of course), TSW is not really on the artistic or technical level of _The_Dreaming_ or _Hounds_Of_Love_. What it IS, is a new (finally!) and different Kate album. I was disappointed on my first listen through, and that feeling has lingered, even though I have listened a lot, and am enjoying it more each time. => To get serious, I think Kate's voice in TSW was at its best. I => personally don't give a flying **** about sound quality, since all I => have to listen to things on is a Sanyo CD box that doesn't even have => an equalizer. Funny, that's just about what I have, except mine's JVC. It's true this setup does not really showcase the CD's sonic quality (or lack of). I can often hear the motor on quiet passages. I went and splurged on a nice pair of digital headphones, though, and now can really hear my albums. => => I also found "Rocket's Tail" to be especially powerful. But that's => obviously just me. => Oh come on, I never implied that liking "Rocket's Tail" was uncool:-) I'm probably in the minority here, especially when I say the song could have done without Gilmour's guitar. => ================================================================================ => Meredith Tarr "Oh yes I know I'm always falling, => Gazing at hazy goldfish in your swimming eyes" => Wesleyan University -Kate Bush => ================================================================================ => -- ========================================================================= Phong T. Co | chryses@xurilka.UUCP | Battleships confide in me and dada Indugu Inc. | tell me where you are Montreal, CANADA | -- Yes