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vickie is happy

From: Vole Lotta Shakin' Going On <jondr@sco.COM>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 1991 16:04:08 -0800
Subject: vickie is happy
Organization: Mangled Bloody Carcass Of Sound Productions

>I'm not sure about the word "proselytizing" that's been thrown about or
>how it relates to our recommending Happy's music.

Check a dictionary, then.  I think it applies.

>Happy's music is absolutely
>nothing like Kate's.

Then I suggest you cease referring to her as "the closest thing we have to
an American Kate Bush."  It's like calling Inky Bloaters "dance music." 
(Remember that one?)

>As far as "synth-padding" goes, here it comes again:
>You haven't heard the songs. There is no padding or filler on her albums.

I think Richard meant padding in the musical sense, where you play a chord
and it fills out the background of the music.  That's called a "pad."  On
the other hand, maybe he was just being mean.  (You wouldn't do that, would
you Richard?  You're the kinder and gentler love-hound!)

>Re your comment about "sales pitches" -- this makes no sense to me. If I
>recommend an artist, and people are interested in that artist, how else
>are they going to get that artist's work except by buying it? Richard, did
>you steal those Caterwaul albums you have? Of course not!

You're being deliberately or accidentally obtuse.  Ever had someone come to
the door who's trying to wheedle some dosh out of you?  Did you ever think,
"I'll give in my own sweet time, bucko."  I hardly ever buy music without
having heard any of it - it's sad that Happy is in a position where it's
difficult to get the word out, but I'm in the same position and I haven't
turned love-hounds into my personal pocketbook to plunder (I'm not talking
about the Jon&Jenn stuff; that's made with the love-hounds in mind.  Niche
marketing, you might say.)

Richard heard Caterwaul on a tape I made for him of about 20 different
female vocal tracks.  I just listed the artists and titles, he asked about
the stuff that interested him.  Quite different from logging in every day
and seeing five new messages telling him to mail order all their stuff.

Or, to use a rather apt metaphor: The first taste was free!

Maybe someday in the future when the is a little more
advanced we can digitise entire songs and upload them for others to
preview.  Unfortunately, even in 8-bit mono, it takes 15 megabytes for
every minute of sound!  (Nerd Note: that's at 44.1 KHz)  It's just not
practical at this point.  Until it is, it's going to be the seriously rich
and/or foolhardy who can afford to spend $12 on a cassette full of total
unknown.  I think the Kate comparisons have been rather devious, bordering
on fraud actually, but caveat emptor...

>Vishal writes:
>> I am also tired of the endless postings by recent Happy convertee 
>> basically saying "I just got my Happy tapes and she is like *AWESOME*.
>> I feel *so* cool now that I am a Happy fan.
>This is so *unbelieveably* unfair!!!! What a rude thing to say! Have you
>never heard music that you liked so much that you wanted to tell everyone
>about it? Those people who have heard Happy's music and do like it are
>only expressing their opinions. To say that the people who are saying
>they like what they hear are only doing so to be "cool" is an insult to
>them and to Happy (a fellow Katefan, remember).

Chill OUT!

I think what Vishal is saying is, "please tell us WHY you like it rather
than just saying `it's too cool, buy it now.'"

>Happy's music is such
>that, if you hear and like one album, you'll want to hear everything
>else. The sad thing about all of this is that people may be wary of
>posting any more "I got it/them and this is what I think" articles.

I wish someone would start posting WHY they think what they think.
My review may have seemed savage, but I explained the shortcomings in what
I consider to be vivid detail.  If you want more specifics, I'd be glad to
provide them.

>If you don't like it, that will be a viewpoint new to this newsgroup,
>and your reasons for not liking it will be interesting to hear. 

As long as the reasons actually get posted and blind devotion/savagery is
left by the wayside.

>She's NOT just another good singer.

You said it, not me!  (Joke, calm down.  Put the gun DOWN Vickie!
No!  Really!  I didn't mean it!  AUGHHHHHHHH!)

Jon Drukman (space children intro mix)       uunet!sco!jondr
Always note the sequencer - this will never let us down.