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FrippTalk (no ObKate here)

From: lsil!mhost!up61! (Ray Peck)
Date: Thu, 23 May 91 14:35:27 PDT
Subject: FrippTalk (no ObKate here)

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>From: (Larry Spence)
>Very very unlikely (they hate each others' guts), but I would have said that
>in 1980, so who knows?  Another good one from the Tamm book has Fripp saying
>that he in effect astrally projected himself into his drummer's body during
>performance... I can see how Bill would feel a bit annoyed. %)

This is the first I'd heard of Bruford and Fripp not getting along. . .
In Belew-era interviews with Bruford, he seemed to really like Fripp,
even though he was annoyed about the on-again, off-again nature of the

I know Bruford can't stand Chris Squire, but from what I know, I can
understand.  From what source do you get your info?  From this Tamm book?

>And I question whether Fripp will play with musicians who haven't been >through
>his Guitar Craft seminars, as he has very rigid ideas about tunings, pick
>deployment, physical posture, etc., not to mention attitude.  Also, will he
>always include his wife in future groups, even if her vocals aren't, IMHO,
>up to the level of his playing?

Well, he's had rigid ideas about a lot of things.  I don't think it would
be King Crimson if there weren't other elements to play off Fripp.  It
would be League of {Gentlemen/Craftys} or Exposure or whatever.  But it
wouldn't be Red or Discipline.

I always assumed that when Fripp talked about how the Discipline band
became KC, as if Crimson was some ethereal seperate entity that inhabited
the band, what he meant was that it was a *band*, rather than a solo
project with other musicians.

>>I've seen LOCG twice, and both times were completel life-altering.  
>Not as good as Belew-era Crimso, IMHO, but very, very good.  

Very, very different.  To me, although Belew-era Crimson was controlled
by the "Spirit of Fripp", mostly in writing, in performance it was more
of a Bruford/Levin/Belew band.  Which is a much looser thing entirely.
And one that I, frankly, prefer.

>Friends who saw
>the LOCG show here a while back complained about the "Nazi guitar army"
>approach (coming in single-file, standing up and sitting down in perfect
>unison, no physical spontaneity whatsoever, etc.).  

I think that this served well to focus the moment on the sound.  It would 
have been very different if the musicians injected more "personality" into 
the show, by moving around and all.

>>The live recordings are great, but somehow the music gains much
>>of its impact from the focus of the moment, and the instant of performance.
>>And (to me, at least) this is lost on disk, qualitatively differently
>>than every other concert I've seen.
>This is true, but unfortunately it comes across as some sort of est-inductee
>foaming to folks who haven't seen it.

True, but it's true.  Evidence: my girlfriend *hated* Fripp before going
to the show.  Wouldn't listen to him.  Now she's a huge fan, with a definate
religious fervor when she talks to someone about that show.  It is very
similar to someone whose life is changed after going to a "seminar" like
est or something, except that it was simply the music inducing the mind
into a focused, meditative-yet-sharp state, rather than a pat on the back
coming from someone.  This focus is what doesn't come off on the recordings.

>>>[Fripp:] Now we come to the humanistic and philosophical reasons why I 
>>>oppose the furtive taping of live music. 
>Awww, fuck that!  Live tapes may not capture it all, but they're better than
>nothing. %)

Yeah, well I agree with you. I guess people still buy old 78's of Caruso. . .

>>A question: is there a Crimson/Fripp mailing list?  I've never seen
>>one on the list-of-lists.  How do I start one?  Is there sufficient
>Just MHO, but I don't like mailing lists.  Why not just post to >,
>or gaffa, as long as the gaffa-gods don't mind?  %)

Because in this enlightened company, we don't have netnews.  And even though
gaffa is, happily, available as a Digest (Thanks!), I don't think this is
the proper forum for the extended discussion of Frippery that I'd like to
see (on the order of Notes from the Edge, or 1/10 of gaffa).

On the other hand, maybe there should be a . .

8-) guess I should go buy the darn CD.  When will Tower have it?

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 * Ray Peck		       "The cumulative effects	of 	*
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