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From: (Kent Hanson)
Date: 27 Mar 91 22:15:19 GMT
Subject: Re: Observations
Organization: HP Corp Computing & Services
References: <>
I concur with your observations regarding the dynamics of one's Kate- relationship--at different times and in different ways and degrees, I have embraced different songs/albums: the bottom line and common denominator is, of course, Kate. I certainly envy your poster collection and wonder if you can shed any light on how I can track down any/all/some here in California. Some kind of catalogue, maybe. Hey, I always loved Violin, but why--it's a musical thing, the chords, the abrasiveness, the wildness (actually I prefer the Hammersmith version to NfE). But, about Walk Straight Down the Middle, hey, that one to me seals The Sensual World, like a farewell coda for the (to me) well-integrated and unified album...and what about in the chorus where she sings "It wasn't easy, though..." and "It hadn't started yet, ohhh" --that VOICE! kind of "nasal" kind of "ethereal"; and of course the trills at the end; and during each chorus the background arpeggios by the keyboard...well, that's what I like about that one. Not to mention that it does affect me beyond the objective, musical elements! Regarding "favorite albums", I really wonder why so few choose TSW, since it is, after all, the representative of the most mature Kate so certainly gets to ME ... such discussions are fun, diverting, and help us get to know each other, the "invisible fraternity". Kent Hanson Hewlett-Packard Corporate Headquarters y album she had made. The rest is history, and irretrievable commitment. As I write, I have just completed another level of music instruction for my son by writing out the words, with chords, to his favorite Kate songs. He will thus master the 24 major and minor triads while seeing how a really gifted musician arranges them (it's not exactly "da blues"), and will be able to play Kate songs (nothing like feeling you're actually participating in a great work of art!) as well. Anyone wishing specific chord accompaniment charts to any Kate song (The Dreaming may be a tough one) can let me know...I'm sure there are books published already with this, but I'm willing to provide on a case-by-case, ad hoc basis. I could score out the melodies as well but this will necessitate postal correspondence. But the offer stands. Kent Hanson Hewlett-Packard Corporate Headquarters, Palo Alto, California USA Earth "Ooh I remember that rich windy weather..."