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sTuff (take 2)

Date: Wed, 20 Feb 91 20:02:29 EST
Subject: sTuff (take 2)

the perils of using two different mailers is that sometimes you send off
letters when you think you are just going to edit them. where was i? oh
yes, hammersmith...

like i was saying, while i had the vcr over the weekend, i watched it three
times in rapid-fire succession. wowowowowow. i'll only deign to agree with
you all about the power of it. all i can say is that whenever she does tour,
i am going to become a palpitating mass of jelly when i see her. knowing
what a *video* does to me, i can't even imagine what the real thing will do
to my ability to talk cohesively and stand up. :)

um, i guess that's all i was going to say. for now.
