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Re: What song illustrates Kate's range best?

From: Jeffrey C. Burka <>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 90 20:37:42 -0500
Subject: Re: What song illustrates Kate's range best?
Organization: Indiana University, Bloomington IN.

In article <> you write:
>Really-From: (Edward Suranyi)

[stuff 'bout KaTe deleted]

>>Anyways, if someone could maybe post a list of Kate Bush's songs
>>that could show the wide range of her voice, I'd really appreciate

>I think maybe "Don't Push Your Foot ... " has the highest note, but I'm
>not sure.  Ideas, anyone?

Whenever I think of Kate hitting something _really_ high, I think of the
scatting (for lack of a better term) at the end of "The Big Sky."  I'm not even
sure if it counts as actual singing, but she really gets up there.  There's
one scream in particular that really freaks me out.


|Jeffrey C. Burka                | "At night they're seen                 |
|   |  Laughing, loving, 	                  |
|    |  They know the way to be happy" --KaTe |