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Everything But The Girl

From: Douglas MacGowan <macgowan@NISC.SRI.COM>
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 1990 7:27:03 PDT
Subject: Everything But The Girl

I just recently bought the latest tape by Everything But The Girl -
I had heard "Driving" and "The Road" on a new-age radio station.

These guys are good!

I've heard their name (a hard one to forget) tossed around on Love-Hounds,
but never paid that much attention.

Now, I come begging for some more info.  Who are these two people?
What's the story behind them?  Are their other albums as good as
this one?   What are their other albums?

Any and all info and opinions would be appreciated.  Respond to the list
or directly to me.

Douglas MacGowan

"Madonna is not fit to clean the biscuit crumbs from between
 Kate's piano keys."