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From: (Mike Weaver of Kansas City)
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 90 02:16:28 EST
Subject: Sinful music
We of the Parents Music Resource Center have recently had the music of one, "Kate Bush", brought to our attention. Previously we have looked at the "music" of such groups as "Ratt", "Twisted Sister" and "Mr. Frank Zappa". This latest menace to the youth of America from a foreign land is more pernicious than all the rest. The following is a list of Miss Bush's song lyrics that we believe need warning labels: All We Ever Look For: Explicit references to breasts, wombs, tombs and drugs. All the Love: Death. And Dream of Sheep: Drugs, specifically poppies - the source of opium. Army Dreamers: Death. Babooshka: Infidelity. The Big Sky: Sacrilege. Blow Away: Death and sacrilege; the very _thought_ that Keith Moon and Sid Vicious could be let into Heaven! Breathing: Anti-Nuclear propaganda. Burning Bridge: Arson. Cloudbusting: Quackery. Coffee Homeground: Poisoning. December Will Be Magic Again: Glorifying a known homosexual (Oscar Wilde). Don't Push Your Foot On The Heartbrake: Suicide. The Dreaming: Alcoholism. Egypt: References to demons and possible references to the female sexual organs. The Empty Bullring: Death and mutilation. Sacrilege. Experiment IV: A sound that can kill; the avowed goal of every Heavy Metal band. Feel It: A dirty, dirty song. Get Out Of My House: "Devil Dreams", Human transmogrification into animals. Hammer Horror: Occultism. Heads We're Dancing: "They say the Devil is a charming man.." It isn't even _backwards_! Appalling! Houdini: Occultism, French Kissing, Sacrilege. Hounds Of Love: Bestiality? The Infant Kiss: Definite Pedophilia. This song is beyond redemption. In The Warm Room: Another dirty song, this one about prostitution. James And The Cold Gun: Gunplay. Alcohol. Gambling. Sex. Kashka From Baghdad: Homosexuality and voyeurism. The Kick Inside: Incest, suicide and Godless mythology. Kite: Demonic entities; vis. "Beelzebub". L'amour Looks Something Like You: Sex, sex and more sex. "...that feeling of sticky love inside". Leave It Open: Burglary, Satanic backwards messages. The Man With the Child in His Eyes: Possible pedophilia. Mother Stands For Comfort: Murderers. Night Of The Swallow: Criminal activities. Ne T'en Fui Pas: We don't know French, but it _sounds_ dirty. Not This Time: Profanity (we think...) Oh England My Lionheart: Death, Kidnapping, Sacrilege. Pull Out The Pin: Violence and drugs (Hashish). Ran-Tan Waltz: Alcohol, infidelity and a slang reference to the male organ. Rocket's Tail (For Rocket): We couldn't figure this one out, but we don't think we'd like it if we could. Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God): Sacrilege, plain and simple. God does not make _deals_! Sat In Your Lap: "Some say that Heaven is hell..." Hum-m-pfh! Saxophone Song: Reference to bowels. The Sensual World: This song is beyond redemption. Based on a pornographic novel by James Joyce. Strange Phenomena: Menstruation, occultism. Symphony In Blue: Death and sex; need we say more. Them Heavy People: Yet more sacrilege. There Goes A Tenner: Criminal activity. Violin: Yet more satanic references. Waking The Witch: Where to begin? Warm And Soothing: Alcohol. Watching You Without Me: Occultism. The Wedding List: Murder and revenge. Wow: Homosexuality. Wuthering Heights: Occultism. Please help us protect the morals of the youth of this God-fearing country. Almost as shocking are the covers of her records. We would say more about them but we are having trouble getting them back from our examiner. Tipper Gore tipper@pmrc.ica.fib