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Really!  I _hope_ that Kate would have preferred real horns but that
time didn't permit.  The Fairlight horns (are you sure they're not
DX-7?) sound like the sort of thing she might do and say, "Of course
we'll arrange some real horns in there before we're finished." "But
Kate honey, the show airs tonight!"  "Oh..."  

> See, told you it was wonderful. This, in case anyone hasn't triggered,
> ws the theme to a "comic strip" film which cast Maggie's fight with
> the greater london council as a cross between a spagetti western and a
> bad blood & guts horrer B-movie.

First one to get Kate's Comic Strip work in US format gets to dub copies 
for all of Love-Hounds.  Any volunteers?  :-)

> Thus the track too is something of a piss take. IED had best not
> listen :-). This is KT takeing it out of KT. Remember all those things
> people say about Her? Screechy voice? Silly sampled tracks?
> Meaningless Lyrics? They're all here. As Jonathan said, it is
> hilarious.

I for one am glad to see Kate do something and just have fun with it.
I sort of felt that Kate was running short on fresh influences and
that showed up in some of the less inspired tracks on "The Sensual
World".  Now that she's doing something a little different maybe we'll
see the next album in less than five years.

> Oh yes, and _the_ laugh sounds great attached to this...

Hmmmm....You are obviously a very _evil_ person.  :-)


"Don't drive too slowly."                 Richard Caldwell