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TT The Bear's - 15 March - 9 PM - Be There!

From: gordon!henrik@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Larry DeLuca @ The Sensual World)
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 90 14:11:58 EST
Subject: TT The Bear's - 15 March - 9 PM - Be There!
Posted-Date: Wed, 7 Mar 90 14:11:58 EST

Here's what everyone is saying about The Tour of Larry:

    	"Totally Spellbinding!"
    			- Larry Deluca, The Director
    			- Joe Turner, Sound Engineer cum Rock Bassist

	"Wow!  Concept Shock!"
			- Concept Shock
    	"Well, it wasn't so much like a rock show as rock videos.  But
         hey, that was cool."
    			- Drea Brandford, Set Designer
    	"'re the ones who do the - ummm - performance art.
         Yeah, that was great."
    			- Jean, Manager, TT The Bear's
    	"They're gonna take one look at all this and say - 'This is
    	 a rock club - not a garage sale'."
    			- Barbara Ex, Backup Singer
    	"Pretentious, angst-ridden dreck."
    			- Damian Roskill, Editor-in-Chief,
    			_Professionally Pale_ magazine, the Journal
    			of True Artists
    You've heard about it on the radio!  You've read about it in the
    papers!  If you were lucky enough to be there the first time, you
    probably swooned!
    But if you weren't --
    Now you have the chance to make up for it.  Come see Larry DeLuca
    (and the Concept Shock Ensemble) play at:
    		TT The Bear's Place
    		10 Brookline St.
    		Cambridge, MA (Right in Central Square)
    	15 March 1990 (Thursday) -- at 9 PM (We're the First Band)