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Kate's Desert Island Videos

From: (Chris'n'Vickie of Kansas City)
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 90 02:25:27 EST
Subject: Kate's Desert Island Videos

Vickie here, I was digging around in our "Dresser Full'o'Kate" trying
to find things obsure enough to have not been posted before and I
came across this gem.

This is from the March 1983 issue of Popular Video (a UK magazine):

                      This month's castaway:

                            KATE BUSH

                      Interview: John Kercher

  There can't be many men who would turn down the opportunity of rescuing
Kate Bush from a desert island. however, Kate might just be a little 
reluctant to get back to civilisation.
  "Being stuck there could be an idyllic time," she says. "I've always
enjoyed working alone, even as a kid, and I can collect all my thoughts
together then. But the prospect of being there with my favorite films is
exciting, because I love the cinema and rarely get the chance to visit it
because of my work. So I'd go to town on my selection."

"Not a lot of people have heard of this one, but it's by the Japanese
director Akira Kurosawa. I just happen to think that this is one of his
best. It was a toss up between this and his _Seven Samurai_, which is a
tremendously atmospheric picture. However, I think this one wins the day."

"As there wouldn't be a shower within thousands of miles...or a motel...I'd
feel quite safe having this along with me. Of course it scares me silly,
and the fact that it's in black and white only adds to the terror, but
Anthony Perkins is so marvellous in it. It's one of those films I can watch
lots of times, even though I know the ending."

"This is the kind of film that'll be around for years-like the Disney
ones. When Terry Gilliam and Michael Palin of the Monty Python team got
together on this they must have been inspired, because it appeals to kids
and adults alike. The story is so original and seems to incorporate just
about everything from pantomime, fairy tales, drama...the whole show."

"Donald Sutherland I can always watch - he's got such a wry sense of 
humour. Ever since I saw him in M*A*S*H I became a fan. And yet in this
film there's no humour at all. It's a real creepy and has a terrifying
climax. But there's such a lot to be observed in the relationship between
Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie that you don't get tired of it."

"This is an oldie, if the fifties can be described as old. The Night of
the Demon is one of the better horror films from that period, which
really keeps you on the edge of your seat without frightening you out
of it. It's about a secret ancient inscription of the rune symbols at 
Stonehenge. Whoever hold a certain peice of paper with them written on
incites the wrath of the demons. Very exciting."

"Not too much to say about this film, except that I love the story and
the whole atmosphere of the film. It's just a picture that moves me

"Marvellous Hitchcock stuff. Really vintage and one of the classics with
Ingred Bergman and Cary Grant. It's that build up of mystery that fascinates

"This film just goes on forever; it's timeless. I saw it when I was a kid
and I go to see it whenever it comes on the circuit. Magical! I love fairy
stories anyway."

"I read the book, then saw the film, and I wasn't disappointed. It's the
story that appeals most here. Just a marvellous film."

"Working this lot out, I've realized what contrasting tastes I've got in
films. But here, I think that the sequel to _Star Wars_ is better than
its predecessor. There was always the risk that it would be some kind of
anti-climax, but it goes beyond expectations."


That's it! If Kate were doing a list like this today it's certain she
would include _Brazil_.
Her selections are interesting, aren't they? Also, I love some of the
phrases she uses, particularly "...go to town on my selection" and
"It's a real creepy...". And let us not forget "...scares me silly..."!
Her grammar is wretched but cute.

I've seen every film on her list except Kagemusha. I haven't been able
to find that one on video. I've been able to find quite a few others
and they are excellent. (Has anyone else seen Dersu Uzala? One of my
all-time favorite films.) 

Vickie (one of Vickie'n'Chris)