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Re: new FOETUS

From: hplabs! (Craig Gleason)
Date: 15 Nov 89 20:27:36 GMT
Subject: Re: new FOETUS
Organization: Hewlett-Packard, Fort Collins, CO, USA
References: <>

>I don't think the CD (any version) includes any of the extra tracks.
>My CD (with a red cover and a red silkscreen on the disc itself) is
>pretty short (40 mins) and only goes up to "Cold Day In Hell." I can't
>tell if it's domestic or not because it has about three different
>label insignia on it (PVC, Ze and Self Immolation) The disc says "Made
>In USA" but the back cover says "Printed in Canada".  Now, is there
>another version of the CD with more than just the ten songs from
>"Hole" on it? 
I've never seen or listened to a Hole CD myself, but I understand from
people who have versions of it that some include at least "Wash it all
Off" and maybe another track.  In an interview Thirlwell mentioned an
unauthorized Hole CD, so there may be at least two editions.

I have noticed that the CD used to be very (!!) rare and recently it
has begun to turn up in quite a few catalogs.  My guess is that there
was a bootleg and Some Bizarre decided to flood the market with their
edition.  Once the real version is available, the boot people are out
of luck since they can't sell theirs for as little money.
