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odds, ends, middles

From: (jane smallberries)
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 89 10:44:06 PST
Subject: odds, ends, middles
Organization: The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
Relay-Version: B 2.11 6/12/87; site scolex
Reply-To: (jane smallberries)
Sender: news@sco.COM

i had a dream about love-hounds last nite, so i guess it's time
to post again.  i dreamt kate starred in her own full featured
film, and we all met at the movie theatre and got a chance to
see everyone we already know from gaffa.  it was pretty neat
and happy and festive.  i don't remember the details of the
flick, however.

i've now loaned my TSW world tape to many people at work, so i
haven't had the chance to listen to it for awhile.  so far i've
gotten good reviews, with some disappointment from some of the
more die-hard fans.  all in all, the pattern seems to be that
women like songs such as "love & anger" and "never be mine",
while the guys prefer tracks like "rocket's tail" or "the fog".

let's all wish ant in chicago well, as he journeys back to his
homeland of the UK.  hopefully he'll reappear on the net soon
as "ant in sheffield", or something.

a chap from our london office, sunil, just came to santa cruz
to work here for a few months.  he grew up in welling, and said
his family doctor was who else but KaTe's dad, Doctor Bush.  he
remembers dr. bush saying things like, "my daughter's really
into music", but they never thought much of the comments at the

"oh no--this is going to affect Me Personally."  
			 -country dick (on the earthquake)