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kate lps.

From: (jessica)
Date: 4 Nov 89 23:12:11 GMT
Subject: kate lps.
Keywords: got some
Organization: CAIP & LCSR @ Rutgers University

Last night I went into the city (NY), and of course stopped into
Bleeker Bob's. They had some lp-single sort of things...
(I am really unfamiliar with the proper language to use, and 
I'm really not sure what exactly to call these)

One is of "Running Up That Hill" and has the picture of her with the
bow on the front, and on the back a picture of her facing away, with
the words "~If I only could ~ I'd be running up that hill ~"
painted across her arms and back. It has "Under the Ivy" on it too.

The other two are simply in black sleeves. No pictures or pretty
writing or anything. One has "Cloudbusting (The Organon Mix)"  and on
the other side "Burning Bridge" and "My Lagan Love".

The other has "Alternative Hounds of Love" and on the other side "Jig
of Life" and "The Handsome Cabin Boy"...

What are these things?? (proper way to refer to them, is what I mean)
What is the general availability of them?? Was I lucky to get any of
them? Was $8 a piece a good price? (seemed it to me) 
