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From: munnari!!Brian.May@uunet.UU.NET (Brian May)
Date: 29 Oct 89 21:05:55 GMT
Subject: Sugarcubes album review
Organization: CSIRO Division of Information Technology, Australia
Well, I've had the last week to listen to the new Sugarcubes LP, (Kate Bush doesn't appear to be in the shops *yet*!). They've managed yet again to produce something completely different. This LP has more varied styles of music throughout, with calypso on the 1st track 'tidal wave' to classical strings in (? last track 2nd side). Of course, what tops it off like no-one else can do is Bjork's haunting voice (phwoaarr). The lyrics are pretty meaningless, but she could make a recital of the football scores sound beautiful. All this is *nearly* tainted by Einar's rantings in the background/ foreground on 3/4 of the tracks, barging in like some spoilt kid who's had his toys taken away. Check it out - it's worth several listens brian may -- |Brian May, DIT, CSIRO, | OSI Research Program | |55 Barry st, Carlton, | (TEL) +61 3 347 8644 (FAX) +61 3 347 8987 | |VIC 3054, Australia | |