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From: abvax!las@uunet.UU.NET (Lorie A Stull)
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 89 17:03:12 EDT
Subject: Re: A Ridiculous Collection of Images?
Organization: Allen-Bradley Company, Inc; Industrial Computer Division, Highland Heights, OH
I have a question about some lyrics on Hounds of Love...In "Hello Earth", there is apparently some German near the end of the cut. To me, it sounds like: "Tiefer, tiefer, lagen vorne tiefer, Gibt es all licht." I'm pretty sure about the "tiefer", which means "deeper". And "Gibt es all licht" means something like "light is everywhere". This makes perfect sense in the context too. But the "lagen vorne" is just a guess with a couple of words that sound like what she's saying. Any German experts out there? Ed Lieser (using a borrowed account!)