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TSW lyrics

Date: 08 Oct 89 15:21:49
Subject: TSW lyrics

The lyrics originally posted as
Mmmmm Yes - Then I've taken the kiss of seed cake that foam his mouth
Going deep south go down
Mmmmm Yes - To the six big wheels and work damn hard
He's up off of his head and into the flesh
Mmmmm Yes - He said I was the flower of the mountain yes
But now I've powers ?o'er ernos? body
Are most likely
Mmmmm Yes - Then I'm taking the kiss of seed cake back from his mouth
Going deep south go down
Mmmmm Yes - Took six big wheels and rolled our bodies
up off Howth Head and into the flesh
Mmmmm Yes - He said I a flower of the mountain yes
But now I've powers of a woman's body
Depending on how you count, that's as many as nine changes in six lines.
Almost as bad as _Ulysses_  :-)
Damn I want a lyrics sheet!
Also note that this reduces by one my count of instances of the word 'he'.