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From: portal!!
Date: Wed, 4-Oct-89 16:42:13 PDT
Subject: a few questions
subj: a few questions "Daniel S. Efran" <> writes: > P.S. What do people think about Tangerine Dream? Their newest stuff is > almost as bad as their earliest, but from about 1978 to about 1986 (from > Tangram to Underwater Sunlight, roughly) they were incredible. Does > anybody know if they have a new third member yet, since Chris Franke > left? I'm kind of a Tadream-head, so my opinion is suspect. However, I think they're a "hugely important sociological phenomenon." By "their newest stuff" I presume you mean the two newest studio albums ("Tyger" and "Optical Race"). While I will admit that "Tyger" is very weak (didn't they learn anything from "Cyclone"? No vocals. enn-ohh-vee-ohh-cee-ay-ell-ess. NO VOCALS!), "Optical Race" isn't too bad, particularly "Mothers of Rain". On the other hand, they released another album in between "Tyger" and "Optical Race" called "Livemiles". "Livemiles" is a live recording: one side is the North American tour ("Underwater Sunlight") and the other side is a performance they gave at the 750th anniversary of the founding of Berlin. "Livemiles" is another incredibly brilliant live performance by the pioneers of synth-rock. They have also released several soundtrack albums in that timeframe: "Three O'Clock High", "Shy People", "Miracle Mile", "Near Dark" and others. I personally think that their soundtrack work is the weakest material they do, but I think that "Miracle Mile" and "Near Dark" are much better than "Tyger" and "Optical Race". Go figure. Yes, they have a new third member since Franke left -- I saw him on the "Optical Race" tour, but they never announced his name. Since Franke played the rhythm (not percussion) tracks, they're really missing that "crunch" he gave them... btw, Franke is working at a synthesizer company in Colorado. - hbm --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Henry B. Messenger Digital Equipment Corporation isn't responsible for anything I say on USENET