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From: Tim Steele <tadtec!tjfs@uunet.UU.NET>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 89 12:04:41 BST
Newsgroups: Path: tjfs From: tjfs@tadtec.uucp (Tim Steele) Subject: Re: CD repairs Organization: Tadpole Technology plc Date: Wed, 27 Sep 89 10:54:51 GMT References: <25185249@outback.UUCP> Sender: tjfs@tadtec.uucp (Tim Steele) Lines: 22 In article <25185249@outback.UUCP> Love-Hounds-request@GAFFA.MIT.EDU writes: > Here are two more ways to 'fix' CD's : > > Method 1 : >tooth paste< > > Method 2 : >car wax< What's this doing in anyway? The question is: which is better, tooth paste or car wax? Enquiring minds want to know! I haven't had much success with tooth paste, but I haven't tried polishing for 15 minutes as suggested! Tim -- tjfs@tadtec.uucp ..!uunet!mcvax!ukc!tadtec!tjfs Tadpole Technology plc, Titan House, Castle Park, CAMBRIDGE, CB3 0AY, UK Phone: +44-223-461000 Fax: +44-223-460727 Telex: TADTEC G